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Showing posts from 2005
Finally manage to put some dhtml drop down menu onto WALHI website, though till i write this it still kinda buggy when using M$ IE and work great on Firefox. I create style element script_dhtml for storing javascript and css file that used by dhtml dropdown menu. For top navbar I modify banner_menu and put javascript function inside html link tag and for left horizontal kampanye I modify the variable in subtopics_menu and change fetch section to <a class="subtopic2" href="<?=$site->uri.$topics_array[$subtopic->id];?>/" onMouseover="ddropdownmenu(this, event, <?=$subtopic->name;?>, '150px')" onMouseout="ddelayhidemenu()">&(subtopic.extra);</a> Add several new global variable on code-global so that the dhtml can get array for the subtopic. And to give subtopic array on the javascript dhtml dropdown from midgard subtopic function, I came up with following lines of code <? $campaigns_topic = mgd_list_t...
Bergie just gave me account to midgard project website and listed me in developer community section with other midgarders. Really cool coz I had a change to try out some MidCOM there. Here is link for midgard developer community :
WALHI need to make sub website for sahabat WALHI (WALHI's volunter community). We want to use our separate Midgard based system for that. There's a lot facilities that we've think that we want to put to there like forum, chatroom, pooling stuff and membership. I'm still thinking how can I put all that stuff to our Midgard System.
Wrote port scanner in java named Jawascan back in 2003. It only use simple handshaking concept between one port to another. Jawascan use standard networking JDK API. So it is very simple port scanner, it wont be powerfull utility like nmap or anything like it. Made it just for fun. You can download it at
Made database connection class for my project that using mysql jdbc. I'm putting the code here incase anyone may find it usefull. Or you can download it from /* * Created on March 25, 2005 * */ package sim; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.*; import java.util.Scanner; import java.lang.String; /** * This source code is license under GPL * Still working on password encryption * You may use it, hack it and do what ever you want but please put my name as a credit if you * are using this code for your application... * If you find this code usefull for you please donate to the poor and homeless in your * hood... giving to others will make you a better person. Trust me... * Author o3ng. Contact me for any suggestion or question at * */ class ConnectionDB { private String [] cfg, cfgx; p...
Dual core processor, how do you thing the sound of it, prety cool huh... just imagine cpu that can simultaniously doing two different task in the same time. Dying to have those kinda system for my machine at home.... ;) too bad AMD charge their's more expensive then Intel coz I've been huge fan of AMD for quite long time.... soon, no more slow arithmetic processing on your machine... hehehehhhh...
Hemm... pake boso indo ye. Kmaren gw lagi bingung nyari distro yang enak buat warnet. Pilihan gw antara pake gentoo dan ubuntu sama suse. Akhirnya pas di rumah nyobain gentoo. Ternyata itu distro lebih complex dan custumable dari slackware. Installasinya bener2 manual dan elo akan punya kebebasan absolute terhadap system linux yang elo pengenin. Gentoo bener2 oldschool banget, nyobain gentoo berasa jadi hacker linux deh. Karena masih manual (bener2 ngompile dari source) akhirnya gw ngambil keputusan kalo gentoo enakan buat server aja karena menurut gw lebih stabil dan robust. Jadi nanti server akan gw install kalo ngga gentoo yah woody. Mau install sarge masih bugy. Malam mingu akhirnya gw ngoprek itu komputer2 tua di kantor dan gw isiin kubuntu, dan ternyata lambat banget karena pake kde 3.4 dan openofficenya bener2 lama bnget bahkan di komputer yang 128 mb. Skarang gw lagi mempertimbangkan apakah gw akan trus install kubuntu ato pake suse atau mandrake aja walo sebenernya gw males ba...
Back to the root, I'm back to do java coding and study for sjp exam coz I've bought the exam voucher couple a months ago
Just try installing midgard 1.7 on cecil at home. arrgghhh.... apache always gave me segmentation fault, man I'm so lame, dunno is it because the sarge or the midgard it self. Henry told me on the Irc that 1.7 run well on woody
Just got sarge dvd and gonna install it on cecil at home. heheehh... goodbye redhat welcome debian. Unfortunately, can't rid off that damn m$ coz my printer and some of the peripheral still has proprietare m$ driver... aarrgghhhh
ahhhh after a long bumpy ride on the airplane, I finally arrive at singapore and now I'm in changi airport and wait for another airplane that gonna take me back to Jakarta. haaahhhh... macet dan panas lagi dah
Got the chance to see the down town bangalore and speending my money to buy local merchandise. One thing I hate here is that really hard to find meat food ;) All the asiasource session just thrill me, pitty I can't follow all the session... in this very moment I hope I can clone my self ;)
I'm bloging from vistar venue here in Bangalore, India just great. Alot similarity with Indonesia but they will be better in few years a head coz their government pay so much attention to the education sector. While in Indonesia, well you know how costly the education are, only the richer that can enjoy great education. Oh yeah al the participants here just awesome really, I know there are alot of talented hacker that come, yet they so humble. The spirit here is no one smarter tha other, we here to learn anything and there are no dumb question so you free to speak your mind no mather how funny it is sometime ;)
tommorow, I'll leave this Island (huh.. finally) and heading to bangalore... yaayyy so anxious to meet people all over the world that has a huge passion with opensource hope the airplane is good since I'm so much affraid to high I leave at noon with several friend wich I haven't meet in the airport